4th Grade Classroom Hub:

Welcome to our class online noticeboard

Blue Smiling Flower Shape Emotion Simple Face Sticker
Purple Oval Bashful Emotion Simple Face Sticker
Violet Happy Emotion Simple Face Sticker
Bright Pink Smug Emotion Simple Face Sticker
Bright Pink Smug Emotion Simple Face Sticker
Yellow Funny Emotion Simple Face Sticker
Violet Happy Emotion Simple Face Sticker
Purple Oval Bashful Emotion Simple Face Sticker
Blue Smiling Flower Shape Emotion Simple Face Sticker
Blue Surprised Emotion Simple Face Sticker
Purple Oval Bashful Emotion Simple Face Sticker
Blue Smiling Flower Shape Emotion Simple Face Sticker


Don't forget to take ​home your reading log ​and read for 20 minutes ​every night. Have an ​adult initial it and bring it ​back each day.

Blue Surprised Emotion Simple Face Sticker
Blue Smiling Flower Shape Emotion Simple Face Sticker

Class News

Word Study for the Week:

Grammar Focus:

Violet Happy Emotion Simple Face Sticker
Colorful Letters Made of Wood

Classroom Policies

These simple rules guide students to be the best scholar's they can be and help them live the Jefferson pledge. Let's help them SOAR!

Bright Pink Smug Emotion Simple Face Sticker
Blue Smiling Flower Shape Emotion Simple Face Sticker

Rule 1: Be respectful.

Rule 2: Be prepared.

Rule 3: Be Responsible.

Rule 4: Be a Leader.

Rule 5: Be a Reader.

Daily Learning


Here is a breakdown of our focus for the week in each subject.

Violet Happy Emotion Simple Face Sticker





Social Studies


9:35 - 10:55

10:55 - 12:00

2:20 - 2:45

12:55 - 1:55

1:55 - 2:20

Focus for the ​week:

Unit 1 Week 3

Text Structures

Topic 2: ​Fluently add & ​subtract multi-​digit whole ​numbers.

Force & Motion

Personal ​Narrative

Ch. 1 First ​Americans

Class Resources

Here are links to frequently used practice sites from the classroom as well as our classroom management tool.

Bright Pink Smug Emotion Simple Face Sticker
Purple Oval Bashful Emotion Simple Face Sticker


Stacee Bayha

It's going to be a fantastic year. While this may be my first year with St. Louis Public Schools and Jefferson Elementary School, I have been teaching for about 12 years. I am excited to be a part of the Jefferson family!

Blue Smiling Flower Shape Emotion Simple Face Sticker

Contact Information

(913) 909 - 5653


Blue Surprised Emotion Simple Face Sticker
Bright Pink Smug Emotion Simple Face Sticker

Resource Page for Parents

Jefferson Elementary School Homepage

Click here to access the Jefferson Elementary website.

District Webpage

Click here to be directed to the District resources.

SAVVAS Home Connection

Click here to see what our Unit focus is for reading.